Thursday, November 8, 2007

A Funny Thing Happend on My Way to the Blog...

Sorry about the lack of post here. I made the chosen recipe. I have pictures of the chosen recipe. I have started writing about the chosen recipe. My problem is that my husband went in for open heart surgery on Tuesday, and I underestimated the amount of time I'd spend going back and forth to visit him, dealing with the kids, etc. So my definition of "early [in the] week" has been expanded to include "through Friday." Barring natural disaster or act of God, I'll have the whole thing up here in the next day or so. And just as a preview of coming attractions, here's a picture of the raw ingredients for the selected recipe...really makes you want to rush out and buy a "hostess gown" doesn't it? Maybe some false eyelashes too. And a Ford Pinto.

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